
Saturday 12 September 2015

How to Train a Dog to Shake Paws or say hello

Dog shaking his paw to its owner, a blond haired woman. - Guido Mieth/Moment/Getty ImagesShake is a fun trick that's fairly easy to train a dog to do. Most dogs learn this dog trick quickly. After just a few short training sessions your dog will be offering his paw for a shake every time he meets someone new!

Just follow Simple steps

  1. Have your dog sit. If he doesn't know how to sit, go back and practice that command before moving on to step two.
  2. Hold a treat in one hand, and show it to your dog. Close your fist over the treat so he can't get it.
  3. Give your dog the command "shake," and wave your closed fist under his nose to keep him interested in the treat.
  4. Wait for your dog to start digging in your hand for the treat. Usually dogs sniff around, and when that doesn't work they begin to paw at your hand.
  5. The moment your dog touches your hand with his paw, tell him "good" or click your clicker, and open your hand and allow him to have the treat.
  6. Practice "shake" for 5 minutes, two or three times a day. Your dog will be offering you his paw the moment you give the command before you know it.

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